Innovation in Church Life: Watch Now

Free webinar exploring new church plants, initiatives and gatherings around Australia

Planting the Future: Innovation in Church Life

You're invited to view a free webinar exploring new church plants, initiatives and gatherings around Australia. We launch the 'New Churches Snapshot Report for 2024', as well as present our latest research findings on innovation in church life in Australia. 

FREE ONLINE WEBINAR: Watch the recording below now!



We thank Baptist Financial Services for their sponsorship of this webinar. 

About the webinar

This webinar was held on Thursday 27 June, 2024 at 11.00am (AEST).

It was presented by Dr Ruth Powell, Director NCLS Research.



Dr Ruth Powell, Director, NCLS Research

Dr Ruth Powell is Director of NCLS Research, She has worked with NCLS Research since 1991 and became Director in 2007. She also holds a position as Associate Professor and Research Fellow, Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society, Charles Sturt University.

NCLS Research is a world leader in research focused on connecting churches and their communities. Decades of rigorous and thoughtful work has examined wellbeing, spirituality and church health. We are best known for the largest, longest running survey of church life in the world, the National Church Life Survey.


Guest Practitioners:

Tim O'Neill, National Leader, Exponential Australia.

Tim O'Neill is National leader of Exponential Australia and also leads A2A (the Acts 2 Alliance), a network of churches in Australia. He is founding pastor and chair of Tailrace Community Church, a church that they planted 30 years ago. Over that time Tim has been active in equipping and mentoring church planters across various movements.

Plus this session will also feature insightful stories from church planters who will share their first hand experiences and valuable learnings.


You will discover:

  • Latest national research on local church readiness to innovate
  • 2024 snapshot of church planting activities
  • Stories from guest practitioners as they share insights and learnings 

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