People of influence in children's faith formation

Parents remain the most significant role modes of faith

Over 5,000 children in more than 20 denominations in Australia, were surveyed in the 2021 National Church Life Survey. Child church attenders were asked about family activities of faith, as well as people who are good role models or examples of the Christian faith for them.

Children aged 8 to 14 years old were asked:

  • Do your parents go to church a lot?
  • Does anyone in your family do faith activities with you?
  • Which family members are good examples to you of people who follow Jesus?
  • Think about some of the adults in your life who are not part of your family. Which ones are good examples to you of people who follow Jesus?


Parents' church attendance

Some 72% of child churchgoers reported both parents go to church a lot. Some 15% say only Mum goes and 3% say only Dad goes. Around one in 10 (9%) say neither parent attends church regularly.


Family members practicing faith with children

Children were asked whether anyone in their family does faith formation practices with them (e.g. reading the Bible or praying together).

Around half of child church attenders (51%) say that someone in their family often reads the Bible or prays with them. A further 37% say they sometimes do.

Around four in 10 child church attenders say that someone in their family often has discussions with them about God or the Christian faith, or asks them what they learned about at church (41% and 39%  respectively).

Slightly lower percentages of child church attenders say that family members often talk with them about questions, doubts or worries about Christian faith (26%).


Family members who are good examples

When asked which family members are good examples of people who follow Jesus, children most commonly report their mother (87%), followed by their father (76%).

Grandmothers (64%) are next most commonly identified a good examples, followed by grandfathers (51%). Some 45% of child respondents agreed their siblings were good examples and  43% identified other family adults e.g. step parents.


Other role models in faith

When asked about other adults in their life that are good examples of people who follow Jesus, around seven in 10 nominate their minister, pastor or priest (71%), followed by around six in ten who name other adults at their church (58%), and around five in 10 who select their Sunday School teacher (51%).


For more information on the faith profile of child church attenders see our article: The faith profile of child church attenders


Data Sources:

2021 National Church Life Survey, Child Survey (n=5,075 children aged 8 to 14)

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