A customisable Profile of results comparing groups of attenders
Resource Type: Article
Topics: research profile 2021 NCLS 2021 National Church Life Survey national church life survey
The NCLS Research Profile is a customisable 18 page report that compares three chosen groups of church attenders who participated in the National Church Life Survey.
It presents comparisons on the NCLS church vitality measures, as well as the people's demographics and background.
Comparison group examples include age groups, gender, and country of birth.
Participating denominations are now able to order a Research Profile for their chosen group of attenders.
The 18 page Profile contains attenders' demographics, patterns of attendance and involvement, as well as their evaluation of church health and vitality, highlighting each group's responses.
You can choose to:
These Research Profiles are modelled on our Church Life Profile, but you can choose up to 3 groups to compare in a 3 column format.
For example,
A sample Research Profile is available for download, as a free product in our Shop. Simply add the Sample Profile to your cart and check out at no cost. A pdf will be emailed to you.
Denominational leaders are invited to contact NCLS Research with a request for more information or a quote.
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