Six in ten Australians say they're happy

Majority of Australians express positive wellbeing

Happiness is one aspect of personal wellbeing. Results from the 2024 Australian Community Survey show that six in ten Australians, 61%, rated themselves as happy or very happy, over the last year.

Around a quarter of respondents said that over the last year they felt neither happy nor unhappy. And the remaining 14% reported being unhappy or very unhappy.

In the Australian Community Survey (ACS) by NCLS Research we asked a representative group of Australians, ‘Taking all things into consideration, would you say over the last year your happiness has been...' They were able to choose from the following options: Very unhappy, Unhappy, Neither happy nor unhappy, Happy or Very happy. 

Results how that in 2024, half of Australians (50%) rated themselves as happy over the last year, and a further 11% rated themselves as very happy.

A quarter (25%)  said they felt neither happy nor unhappy.

One in 10 (10%) reported being unhappy and a very small proportion 4% said they were very unhappy.



Assessing stress levels is a way to evaluate negative personal wellbeing. 

For related information about the stress levels of Australians and what are the sources of that stress Half of Australians under high stress and Cost of living top stressor for Australians.

Data Sources:

2024 Australian Community Survey by NCLS Research (n=3,090)


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