Studies of Religion

Research findings and resources for SoR teachers and students

Welcome teachers and students!

We've designed a selection of resources for you! Use our Australian research findings in your essays, presentations or class discussions.
We survey Australians, as well as Christian churchgoers and church leaders, about their practices and beliefs, their attitudes to social issues, and their wellbeing and spirituality. So you'll find a wealth of information about social, spiritual and religious trends.
These webpages will be updated regularly with new material so keep checking back.

A quick tip: Start here

These webpages feature a selection of NCLS Research articles and resources that are relevant to the Studies of Religion syllabus. If you see a tag "sor" on an item, it will relate to the SoR syllabus.
BUT.. there are many more articles and resources on this website. If you use the search function it will take you to the entire website collection.
So if you get lost, return to the home page, then go to 'Insights' then 'Studies of Religion'.

Explore our research findings by topic areas of your syllabus


Preliminary Christianity
HSC Christianity
HSC Religion in Aust
post 1945
HSC Religion & Non Religion
HSC Religion & Peace

Explore our research findings in different formats




Video Presentations

Fast Facts

Our range of research findings have been collated into areas of the Studies of Religion syllabus:

Preliminary Christianity Depth Study

Research findings on topics including:

    • Jesus Christ as the model for Christianity
    • The death and resurrection of Jesus
    • Personal devotion - prayer

Go to Prelimimary Christianity
HSC Christianity Depth Study

Research findings on topics including:

    • Baptism
    • Saturday/Sunday worship
    • Environmental ethics

Go to HSC Christianity
HSC Religion in Australia post 1945

Research findings on topics including:

    • Census - changing patterns of religious adherence
    • Christianity as the major religious tradition 

Go to HSC Religion in Aust post 1945
HSC Religion & Non Religion

Research findings on topics including:

  • Rise of 'no religion' in Census affiliation
  • Spiritual practices and identity of Australians

SoR HSC Religion & Non Religion
HSC Religion & Peace

Research findings on topics including:

  • Mental health support from churches
  • Time in nature is top spiritual practice preferred by Australians
  • Stressors, isolation and support amongst Australians

Go to HSC Religion & Peace

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Australians' views of Jesus and the Church: comparing age groups in 2021

What do Australians think about Jesus, and the Christian church? This report presents findings about Australians' religious service attendance, religious beliefs and attitudes about religion and Christian churches.

There is evidence of significant differences between age groups, with younger and older Australians sharing more in common than those in their middle years. Results from the 2021 Australian Community Survey, by NCLS Research.


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Thanks to our sponsor

This web resource was made possible with funding from ARTFinc. Our thanks go to ARTFinc for their generous support.