Australian Church Pulse Check

A quick survey to improve Australian church estimates for recent years

We are taking the pulse of the nation with the Australian Church Pulse Check. What has happened since COVID-19? 

Will you take just a few minutes to provide estimates for your church? 

Note: your local church information will not be made public.

What information will each church provide?

1. Name and location of your church

2. What has been the average weekly attendance at your church over the past few years?  We just want your best estimates.

3. How many, if any, Christian faith commitments* were there during 2024?  Again, an estimate is all we need.

*By 'faith commitments' we mean baptisms, confirmations or other sacraments/rites of passage or moments of public commitment.

Who is invited?

Australian churches across more than 20 Christian denominations and movements, as well as independent churches, have partnered with us over the past 35 years to complete research into church health and vitality.  This national research snapshot provides valuable data for church leaders, researchers and many others who resource and support church health around the country.

A national report of church estimates since COVID-19 will made freely available.

This report will cover church attendance estimates and faith commitments (baptisms, confirmations, public professions of faith). 

It will match previous NCLS Research reports and will contain estimates across the nation, for each state, for denominational types (e.g. Mainstream Protestant, Pentecostal etc) and for individual denominations - where possible.


NCLS Research has been entrusted with church information for decades.  We undertake: 
  • Not to sell the contact details for your churches to a third party
  • Not to publish estimates of attendance or estimates of faith commitments for
    • local churches (e.g. congregations, parishes, campuses, clusters)
    • denominational church regions (e.g. presbyteries, dioceses or state-level associations).

More information

About NCLS Research