Student Spiritual Life Survey

A survey to understand the spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices of your students and the impact of your school


Understand the spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices of your students and the impact of your school activities on their faith. Developed by NCLS Research, this survey is based on more than 30 years of experience in world-class research into faith, church life and spirituality.


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Why a Student Spiritual Life Survey?

A survey provides the opportunity to hear from all students – not just the loudest. Being anonymous, it encourages honest and real answers. The responses will provide an evidence base through an annual survey of the spiritual life of students. It will inform schools about how well students are engaging with the message of Christ and the impact of faith in their life.

Orders are open now, so get in touch.

As a Christian College we wanted to know whether our programs met the needs of young people and whether we were helping them progress in their Christian walk. We look forward to partnering with NCLS Research to gather important data to inform our next steps in this area which is central to our identity as a Christian school.

Andrew Jones
Principal, Annandale Christian College


Explore 6 themes



About the Survey

The Student Spiritual Life Survey is designed to provide an annual snapshot that explores attitudes and practices around spirituality in general, and Christianity in particular. It will be available for high school students in 2024, with a possible survey for primary students in the future.
As it is an online survey, each school can choose the best time to run the survey throughout the year.

Insights from the survey will inform:


1. Strategic review

Results will provide measures of the faith impact of the school’s program for the school’s governing body and leadership.

2. Faith education initiatives

How different age groups respond to the survey will inform initiatives such as Christian Development, Religious Education and other faith education programs.


3. Changing trends over time

Responses for particular cohorts can be tracked throughout their school journey, if the survey is repeated annually. A review of results over time may identify issues that need greater focus, and alongside other measures, can help inform pastoral and strategic actions.

4. School-specific issues

Schools may commission extra questions to address particular areas of interest. Examples might be areas of strength to develop, areas schools would like to improve or areas of interest.

How it works

The project is led by Dr Ruth Powell, and run by the NCLS Research team.
All questions including any commissioned questions will be designed by the research team who will add value to the survey and allow for comparison to the spirituality in other groups of Australians where possible.



We are delighted to be working with NCLS Research as part of our Strategic Plan to better know and understand the faith experience of our students and their families. The Student Spiritual Life Survey helps us to measure the spiritual life and health of our students.

The help and expertise of NCLS Research ensures we capture relevant, practical and authentic data so that the Christian education we offer at RPCS will respond sensitively not only to the specific faith needs of our community but to the broader cultural issues in our society.

Catherine Bradshaw
Leader of Christian Development, Regents Park Christian School







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More information


About NCLS Research

NCLS Research is dedicated to research into faith, spirituality and church life and has been conducting world-leading projects to provide insights to denominations and Christian organisations for more than 30 years. Led by Dr Ruth Powell, our research team has decades of experience in the areas of sociology, psychology and religious studies. About NCLS Research 

Frequently asked questions

A list of questions about the Student Spiritual Life Survey, are answered including project information, ethics approval and survey logistics are available. View FAQs