After a Student Spiritual Life Survey

How to make best use of your SSLS results

After completing a Student Spiritual Life Survey, schools will receive a suite of reports, as well as a briefing presentation of their results.

The results of your SLSS can provide greater understanding to inform your executive leadership, teachers, chaplains and wider school community. Each report contains insights into the attitudes and practices of secondary students, that can help you better understand the role and impact of your school activities on their faith. 

Make the most of your SSLS results, to inform and strengthen the spiritual nurture activities and programs at your school.


What do schools receive?







Online access to a suite of reports

Schools can access their range of reports via MySchool* portal online.

This includes:

  • School Report

    A report including the responses of all participating students in the school.

  • Year Group Reports 

    A report for each Year Group, including the responses of students in that Year Group (Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12).

  • Optional extra reports

    A report for a particular cohort of students may be available to schools as a customised report.
    Where a network of schools participate as a whole, a Network Report may be available, including the responses of all students in all schools in that network.

* School Survey Coordinators are allocated permission to log in and securely view all reports for their school via the MySchool portal.

Briefing Presentation


  • A 45 minute results briefing by NCLS Research staff including a 30 minute presentation and a 15 minute Q&A session is offered to schools.

Book your presentation at a time that suits you, by contacting us on .

Tips for making the most of your results


We encourage participating schools to use their results in the best way possible, to encourage and inform their whole school community.

Our hope is that this survey will help to serve and strengthen your school, its initiatives and activities, as you nurture the spiritual lives of your students.