Information for SoR Students

Tips on using our NCLS resources

Welcome students!

We hope you find our range of research findings and fast facts helpful as you complete Studies of Religion. 


Where to start

These webpages feature a selection of NCLS Research articles and resources that are relevant to the Studies of Religion syllabus.

If you see a tag "sor" on an item, it will relate to the SoR syllabus. BUT.. there are many more articles and resources on this website. If you use the search function it will take you to the entire website collection.

  • If you get lost, return to the home page, then go to 'Insights' then 'Studies of Religion'.


What you'll find

We've collated a selection of resources for you to use in your essays, presentations or class discussions.

Explore our research findings in different formats including Articles, Infographics, Video Presentations and Fast Facts. For fast facts, you might find infographics easily accessible, particularly Instagram.

Explore our research findings by topic areas of your syllabus including Preliminary Christianity, HSC Christianity, HSC Religion in Australia post 1945, HSC Religion & Peace, and HSC Religion & Non Religion. 

  • The website will continue to be updated as we release more results so check back regularly.


What are these resources based on?

The research findings of NCLS Research are sourced from our surveys of Australians, as well as Christian churchgoers and church leaders. These surveys include the National Church Life Survey as well as the Australian Community Survey.  Other data sources are also quoted, including the National Census of Population and Housing by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

  • In each article and infographic you'll commonly see the data source listed towards the end. 


About NCLS Research

NCLS Research surveys Australians, as well as Christian churchgoers and church leaders, about their practices and beliefs, their attitudes to social issues, and their wellbeing and spirituality. From its beginnings in 1991, NCLS Research has grown to become a world leader in research focused on connecting churches and their communities. Decades of rigorous and thoughtful work has examined wellbeing, spirituality and church life. Our most well known five-yearly project is called the National Church Life Survey in Australia, which has had millions of participants.

NCLS Research is sponsored by Anglicare Sydney, Uniting and Uniting Mission & Education NSW & the ACT, and BaptistCare NSW & ACT. Our collaborative research projects involve more than 20 Christian denominations in Australia.


Follow us on social media

We regularly post fast facts, infographics, video presentations and links to resources on our social media channels.

  • Follow us online on Instagram, Facebook,  Twitter, Vimeo or YouTube.