
Dynamic and practical webinar presentations of research findings and social trends

Webinars by NCLS Research

A range of webinar presentations are available for viewing, exploring research findings, results profiles and resources by NCLS Research. These dynamic, easy to understand presentations provide you with insights and a clear picture of trends, as well as explore practical applications for your context.

View our webinars


Innovation in Church Life: Watch Now

Free webinar exploring new church plants, initiatives and gatherings around Australia

We're delighted to invite you to view a free webinar where we launch the results of our first 'New Churches Snapshot Report for 2024', as well as present our latest research findings on innovation in church life. Sponsored by Baptist Financial Services and Exponential Australia.

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Schooling Matters webinar: Watch now

Church attenders' perceptions about Australian schooling

This webinar presents the latest findings and reflections on the views of Christian church attenders on Australian schooling. It explores how schooling matters to churchgoers, what influences choice of schools, the impact of school on their own lives, and their views of spirituality in learning and education. Available for viewing now.

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Thriving and resilient leadership webinar: Watch now

This webinar aims to help you as a leader to find an equilibrium you can sustain, to help you to thrive

View this presentation to see how Australian leaders are coping and what factors contribute to their resilience, based on the results from the 2021-22 NCLS Leader Survey. After the initial shock and adaptations of the COVID-19 pandemic, research results show leader satisfaction levels are high, as well as greater exhaustion levels. We suggest for leaders, this can’t be your new normal.

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How healthy are Australian churches? View now

The reality and experience of church life today.

A snapshot of the reality and experience of church life in Australia, based on the results from the latest National Church Life Survey. Thousands of churches across the country have contributed to this comprehensive picture of church health and vitality. How has COVID-19 affected church life? What are the latest trends in health and vitality? Watch this free webinar to find out.

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Australian wellbeing, resilience and spirituality. View webinar now

After three tough years, what's changed and what helps?

Following the past three years of fire, flood and pandemic, we check in on how Australians are really doing. What do we have left in the tank? Have we run out of reserves or are we raring with resilience? And what difference does spirituality make when the going gets tough? This webinar explores Australians’ levels of wellbeing and resilience, as well as the spiritual practices and beliefs they turn to in times of crisis. Findings are based on the results from the latest Australian Community Survey by NCLS Research.

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Workshop: Make the most of your survey results

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So your church completed the National Church Life Survey and you want to know more? This free 1 hour webinar guides you through your Church Life Profile of results, with tips for using your results to inform your ministry. As well, discover our latest findings on church health and effective leadership in a COVID impacted world.

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Who's in the Pews? View webinar now

Who really goes to church today.. and what that means for ministry and mission.

This free webinar will present the latest demographic picture of Australian churchgoers. It is the first release of findings from the 2021 NCLS. Considering the disruption to church life over the last few years, gaining an accurate picture of who really goes to church today will inform every church leader in a COVID changed world.

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What Australians really think about Jesus and the church today. View now

Webinar presentation on trends in Australian spirituality, views of Jesus and church.

Did Jesus exist? What do Australians think? View our free webinar to gain in-depth insights about the views of Australians on Jesus and the Christian Church, from our latest 2021 Australian Community Survey. Dr Ruth Powell, keynote speaker, shares latest results from the Australian Community Survey while Karl Faase provides his reflections on the implications of these findings for ministry and mission.

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