Church Attender Profiles

Explore the views and experiences of your chosen group of church attenders

Are you interested in doing a deep dive on a particular group of church attenders?

Explore our range of Church Attender Profiles, focussing on your chosen group of attenders. Understand their views of church health and experiences of church life. Browse by life stage, generation, gender, marital status, church background and more...

What do rural church attenders think about church life? How do men experience church and conversely how do women?

How do Gen Z or Gen Y view the health and vitality of their church in comparison to older generations?

What about people who are single, widowed or divorced? What can we learn from newcomers to church or those who have recently switched churches? 

Explore your chosen group of church attenders easily and quickly.

Select from our suite of Profile themes including Life Stage, Gender, Ethnicity, Generation, Education & Employment, Marital Status, Location, Church Background, and State.




Church Attender Profiles are a 12 page report, showing the views and experiences of one particular group of Australian church attenders.

Based on those who participated in the National Church Life Survey, you can easily and quickly understand your chosen group of churchgoers, seeing how they evaluate their local church, across the NCLS vitality measures of church health.

  • Hear the voices of this group of church attenders

  • Take stock of church health according to their views and experiences

  • Identify priority areas for allocating resources to your churches and leaders


Cost is only $30.00, so orders yours today.


A range of Profiles are available:


Youth  |  Young Adults  |  Seniors

Men  |  Women

Rural  |  Regional  |  Urban

Country of birth  |  All migrants  |  Young 2nd Gen migrants  |  Linguistically diverse

(coming soon)

Students  |  Employees  |  Tradies  |  University qualified

(coming soon)

All Australia | Aust Protestants | NSW & ACT  |  QLD  |VIC  |  TAS  |    TAS  |  SA  |  WA

(other States coming soon)


Data source:

Each Profile is based on responses from Australian church attenders, aged 15 and over, who completed the 2021 National Church Life Survey.

How much?

These Church Attender Profiles are only $30.00 so order yours today!