Church life and health

What makes a healthy church?

Faith nurture

A growing, lively faith is at the heart of church vitality. A lively faith can encompass a growing understanding of doctrine, of trust and belief in God, of the experience of the presence of God or of putting faith into practice in everyday life.

Faith nurture
Worship & music

Since biblical times, Christians have regularly gathered together for worship, prayer, the sacraments and the teaching of the word. There is a broad diversity of worship styles across the churches.

Worship & music
Belonging & involvement

Church attendance can be about being part of a community of believers involved in varous activities beyond worship services. The feeling of belonging to a community of faith is essential for many people.

Belonging & involvement
Service & advocacy

Local churches engage in their communities in a range of ways. They meet social and welfare needs through the provision of social services and can help to organise churchgoers for social action or advocacy.

Service & advocacy
Faith sharing

Church attenders are involved in faith-sharing or evangelism to varying degrees and in different ways.

Faith sharing
Vision & direction

One of the most important features of church health is the ability of churches to develop a clear vision or directions that attenders are strongly committed to.

Vision & direction

As the Church’s mission relies on effective engagement with the wider community through witness and service, innovative practices have always been part of seeking to make better connections.

Empowering leadership

Inspiring and empowering leadership is an important aspect of healthy church life

Empowering leadership

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